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Major Server Change
2 minute read

Major Changes Coming!


Server in the past has always been no griefing, no PvP, no Stealing, etc. I plan to change this. Don't worry, still ways to protect your stuff!

Once the two towns in construction are finished I will allow a 1 week grace period for members to move their items over.


Moving forward, griefing, stealing, raiding, etc will be allowed outside of towns! Regular members cannot create new claims. Town owners will get a "Mayor" role which will allow them to grow their town and create new subclaims inside of it. While in a town, you are protected from Pvp, griefing, etc. I am doing this to encourage community behavior vs people basically playing single player far away in their claims. This also will help fix people getting insanely rich off of farms, as towns claim often will not have big enough claims for massive farms, meaning your farm is at risk. I also will be disabling the map to the public. This will become a donator only feature, though donators will have a choice to have the map but not allowed to raid and steal, or they can continue to play as normal and not have access to the map.


I will also post some town guidelines here soon. I will also create an "admin town" where new players can rent a claim for 3 days for cheap to build up their gold and move to a proper town. Experienced players will not be allowed in the starter town. 


As for right now, things will remain the same for a bit longer. I will notify everyone when the grace period begins so they may begin moving into towns. I will also release a town guideline section and a way for people to become mayors at the same time.


People who metagame, or use cheats to find other players / builds to kill and raid will be punished. Cheating is not allowed.

New Rules Grace Period
New Rules Grace Period
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Creative World Opened!
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mcMMO has been enabled!
mcMMO has been enabled!
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1 minute read